Digital Sound Sensor Module

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This Digital Sound Detector Sensor Module has an on-board potentiometer to adjust sensitivity, the module outputs high when the threshold is reached.

Detects sound from silence and outputs digital trigger signal. The digital signal can have an adjustable trigger level. LEDs indicate power and output signal.

Given that this device measures whether or not sound has exceeded a threshold,  you’re basically left with determining what it is you want to do.   What I mean by this is that you can do something when it is quiet and/or you can do something when it is loud.

  • You could detect whether or not a motor is running.
  • You could set a threshold on pump sound so that you know whether or not there is cavitation.
  • In the presence of no sound,  you might want to create an ambiance by turning on music.
  • In the presence of no sound and no motion, you may go into an energy savings mode and turn off the lights.
  • When less sensitive,  it takes more sound to trigger the device
  • When more sensitive, it takes less sound to trigger the device
Package Includes:

1 x Digital Sound Sensor Module

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